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9- 11 Tribute

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

In Memory of The Thousands                     
of lives lost
Attack on America
September 11, 2001
3000 Lives Lost
Thousands of Lives Changed
Terrorists attack on America
World Trade Center  and 2 Flights,
The Pentagon and 1 Flight,
Flight 93 in Pennsylvania  
Hundreds of Firefighters and Police
Rest In Peace
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<>< September 11th Memories ><>
The wounds have healed, but the scars remain,
All across the USA.
Even if we could, we won't ever forget,
The tragic events of that day.
When it felt like the heart of America
Was ripped from this glorious land.
We watched it unfold thru tear-filled eyes,
With hearts that could not understand.
Such hatred, that wiped out so many lives.
With such cold calculating ease.
We watched in horror; a nation in pain,
United, we fell to our knees.
As one, we prayed, for strength to go on,
And, truly believed we would rise.
Much stronger above the rubble of ruins,
As a tribute to all the lost lives.
Yes, life goes on, for those left behind.
But, September 11th remains,
A scar, so profound in the hearts of this land.
Where the blood of those gone still stains.
Our mem'ries with sorrow, but forever they'll live,
As heroes in America's eye.
We remember and pray, God bless us again,
Each year as September draws nigh.
Barb Lientz
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<>< 9-11 And Beyond ><>
It seems like only yesterday
that loved ones went away.
Their lives taken suddenly
on that fateful, tragic day.
It was the day the terrorists
decided to play God;
And dove those planes into buildings
and into Pennsylvania sod.
Oh, why do people always
have to be so very cruel?
They really thought they could make
America break the rules.
They thought by devastation,
they could make her from God turn;
But all it really did was make her
Trust Him, love Him... yearn.
They thought they'd break America,
her spirit would destroy;
But she gathered up her strongest
and her loyal ones deployed.
She fought the bitter fight
and she never lost her will;
And today she gathers strength
and growing stronger still.
Her people pulled together,
helped each other to survive.
They may have lost their loved ones,
but their memory is alive.
We never will forget...
Yes, 9-11 brought much pain;
But with love, loyalty and determination,
America rose again!
Now may God be with her
and keep her loved ones safe.
May the people continue on
in this great land of the brave.
Jene' Lind
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Dave and Barbara
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