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911 - The OTHER SIDE

Posted by: revival_list <revival_list@...>

-Andrew Strom.

In the interests of fairness, it is important to also give people an
opportunity to hear from 'debunkers' who completely disagree
with the kind of videos that I referenced earlier this week. I will
give you a website in a few moments that is probably the best of
the 'debunking' sites, so that you really can get a rounded view of things.

So why even talk about this topic at all? -Well, 911 is the single
most pivotal "world event" of our lifetimes up to now - and has
enormous impact on the future. It is one of those 'pivot' points
around which world history turns. But believe me, I have no
intention of continuing on with this type of discussion. I just
felt it was important to become better informed about such a
huge and impacting event. -But you could argue that on GOD's
scheme of things, He has far more pressing concerns on His
mind. -Like the state of the church, and whether we are actually
going to reach this generation effectively or not. -The eternal
destinies of millions of people. -And I totally agree. It is those
kinds of things that really should be keeping us awake at night.

But for this one week only, I felt this might be something
worthwhile to look into. Below is the website that does such
a good job of presenting the "other side" of the 911 debate -
just so you get a balanced look at it:


God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.

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