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a busy week

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

This week has been a busy one. We started school, our 16th year of homeschooling
and we have been busy getting things organized for approaching fall.
The garden is being turned for late crops and we are filling the barn with hay from
a wonderful 78 year old farmer friend feilds.
We bought a nice new wood stove and are getting ready to hook it up. We plan on
bricking in the wall behind the stove soon.
The goats hooves all needed to be trimmed, and the chicken house needed to be fixed in a few spots.
We raise Aracaunas (sp?) and love them. They have good temperments, and lay o.k. But we love
their green eggs best of all.
My husband had to make an emergency trip to Austin, 3 hours drive, to fix our oldest daughters car
that broke down after she dropped our next daughter off at the train station. Our oldest is at the
Universtity of Texas and her sister was there visiting for a week.
We had rain and more rain this week, a rare thing in August for us. Yesterday we had 2.5 inches
and today another 3.25 inches.
Good days to bake and cook up several meals for the freezer.
But all the rain couldn't keep me away from the 1/2 off sale at our Goodwill store !

Seeking His will,