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A Clean House

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

~* A Clean House *~

I heard someone knocking at my heart's door,
And I looked to see that it was Jesus the Lord.
I knew right away that I could not let Him in,
Because my heart was too dirty from the stains of sin.

Jealousy and strife hung on the walls,
Lying and cheating littered the halls.
Envy and lust hung on a shelf,
Along with alcohol and drugs that I had put there myself.

Hatred and malice was scattered all around,
Murder and robbery could even be found.
Fornication and adultery were plentiful, too,
Jesus kept knocking, but what could I do?

I said, 'Lord, it's too dirty for you to come in,
Wait another day, and come back again.
Let me clean it up the best that I can,
So that when you return, I'll be a better man'.

But the Lord said, 'Child, you listen to me,
There's no possible way you can get it clean.
You've tried and you've tried, but it still looks the same,
But I'll clean it for you by the power of my name'.

'It's something that you just cannot do alone,
But I'll wash it with my blood, because it is my home.
So open the door and let me come in,
I'll clean up those dirty stains of sin'.

I opened the door and He was faithful and true,
He cleaned it right up, now everything's new.
Now when my heart gets dirty, it doesn't stay for long,
Because Jesus, my Lord, keeps a very clean home.


~* Recipe For A Home*~

One-Half cup of friendship
Add a cup of thoughtfulness.
Cream together with a pinch of tenderness.
Very lightly beat in a bowl of loyalty.
A cup of faith, one of hope and one of charity.
Be sure to add a spoonful of each,
of gaiety that sings, and
Add the ability to laugh at little things,
Moisten with sudden tears of heartfelt sympathy.
Bake in good natured pan and serve repeatedly!!


Have a Blessed Day

Dave and Barbara

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