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a day on the farm

Posted by: patricia <patricia@...>

How interesting hearing about everyone's day! Umm, sounds a lot like ours.
We start our day later than most. I am up about 6:30. Make coffee, make the bed, and have my devotion & prayer time. (I just can't make it through the day without this) I go out and feed, milk, hay, check everyone out - babies etc.., tend the garden. I looked at everything this morning and thought what a beautiful day the Lord has made! I am so lucky!
After the boys are finally up & about, we have morning devotion together then they start their work - first whatever they didn't finish from yesterday - like the essay my youngest did not turn in! I go and check my emails and get orders for our business. I make sure they are doing their assigned work then start house work. After that, I begin making bread, canning, or like yesterday morning, making cheese.
I then listen to my youngest son playing his violin as my middle son steps in the study and gives a quick remark about his playing. - the comedian 🙂 Now he has to do his younger brothers chores - now the young violinist is smiling. It's history day so we start on that with a long discussion on philosophy and science of the Greeks. Later I finally get the essay and it is quite good. His brother then gives him a spelling test, then gets accused of giving him the wrong words to spell - which I explained he didn't and doesn't matter because they are all right anyways. We run in to town for an ortho. apt. then to the hardware store for some materials for a new cheese press my youngest son and I are making. After arriving home I start filling orders then start dinner & hear the violin playing again and am asked to come and accompany him. You know who steps in the room to comment ... again. More chores... When hubby gets home we then go out and do the morning routine again. I just love it when he is here with us! On Sat. we do fence repairs, trim feet, etc...
I guess there is really no time for boredom!

Patricia in S.C.
"Your heavenly Father will forgive you if you forgive those who sin against you;
but if you refuse to forgive them, he will not forgive you."
--Matthew 6:14-15