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A Different Kind of Alphabet Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"A Different Kind Of Alphabet"

lthough things are not perfect

ecause of trials or pain.

ontinue in thanksgiving

o not begin to blame.

ven when the times are hard

ierce winds are bound to blow,  

od is forever able 

old on to what you know.

magine life without His love  

oy would cease to be.

eep thanking Him for all the things  

ove imparts to thee.  

ove out of "Camp Complaining"

o weapon that is known  

n earth can yield the power  

raise can do alone.  

uit looking at the future  

edeem the time at hand,

tart every day with worship  

o "thank" is a command.  

ntil we see Him coming  

ictorious in the sky,  

e'll run the race with gratitude

alting God most high!

es, there'll be good times, and some will be bad, but

ion waits in glory where no one is ever sad!




"Cleaning   House"



Dear Lord Jesus:

As I go about my housework
Let me see each job I do,
As a service for my King
And a way of loving You.


Let me wash away my judgments
Of others right or wrong,
As I wash up the dishes
Place within my heart a song.


As I clean up little fingerprints
And lots of muddy shoes,
May I remember how you cleaned the feet
Of the loved ones you did choose.


As I mend up torn pajamas
And sew a button on,
Show me where I need to mend a breech
That's gone on far too long.


Let me tidy up my thoughts
As I tidy up the toys,
Let me sweep away my fears
Like the dirt from little boys.


May I be just as quick with my forgiveness
As I am with mop and broom,
Sweeping up the clutter
In my heart and living room.


May I rinse out pride and ego
As I rinse the bathtub out,
And while we are at it Lord
Let's take care of anger, hate and doubt.


Please remind me often Lord
That the way I'm called to serve,
Is an honor given me
And not below what I deserve.


You know Lord, as I look
At all the work we need to do,
I think we'd better house clean
At least each day or two.



Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara



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