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A first day back!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Today is our first REAL day of homeschooling this year. We sort of keep a
few things going all summer but kept less going this summer than other

Our first day back has always been a joyous fun day. Not so today. It
hasn't been a bad day exactly....just different. Mind tasking for me. My
son turned 15 a few weeks ago and I think this has made a difference. I
finally got so frustrated with him this morning that I asked his sister to
make him a cup of tea and make it REALLY strong. She did and that perked
him up a bit. Our Bible time was an eye opening experience. We have begun
a new Bible Study and though hubby and I both reviewed it and agreed it was
good, son, took me for a loop. He wanted to question every single statement
the author had to say. On one hand I loved this inquiring mind, challenging
of the theology,the dialog, I want him to know why he believes what he
believes. I just didn't expect to spend two hours on two pages of Bible
Study. I hadn't expected to argue doctrinal issues that I wasn't even sure
he'd even been exposed too. After hubby called several times I felt better.
I can see there is a change of development going on and I hope I'm up to the
task. When we brought out the english stuff (oh how he hates English). I
did my best to make it a pleasant experience but he still balked. I get
alot of compliments on my children and the way they behave, David wasn't
being rude to me or openly argumentative. He was just stretching me. He
somewhat crossed the line though with the English. He is far ahead in most
things but terribly behind in English. Since he turned 15 a couple of weeks
ago all we've heard is..."when do I get to get my driver's permit?". He
already knows the manual by heart.

I decided to do some cooking while teaching and noticed as soon as I left
the table he had laid his head down on the table, as though giving up.
Finally I said...."David I've made decision, you may take your driver's
permit test when you finish this English book. I won't waver on it. You
can finish this in 3 months if you just keep up the pace I've set for
you....or you can drag it into next summer. It's up to you." I don't know
if the new zeal for English will last but at least he's having a better
attitude and did finish today's lesson!...Deanna