"A GATHERING of 5-FOLD" - Andrew Strom
Quote from Forum Archives on October 27, 2006, 2:20 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Andrew Srom.A few weeks ago I put out an article about something that God
has been emphasizing to me lately - the concept of the "WORD
and the SPIRIT JOINED" - the concept of Finney-type preaching
married with POWERFUL DEMONSTRATION (ie. miracles). Of
course, this is extremely Scriptural.I mentioned in that article a brother from Arizona who moves very
powerfully in deliverance and healing. His name is Mike Smith
and I was able to spend several days ministering with him in
Phoenix last week. I have to tell you, this guy has one of the
strongest anointings in deliverance that I have yet come across.
And there is no "flakiness" either. Mike says that many sicknesses
such as cancer, arthritis, "mystery" illnesses, depression, and
so-on have "spiritual" causes - and he sees people healed and
delivered all the time (-in fact, every day). -I was there and I saw!
I tell you - what power there is in the name of Jesus! -And how
demons tremble at the blood of the Lamb. If we can just stay
humble and allow God to move - what things He will do!Mike and I will be ministering together in several places in coming
months - along with others. The Pennsylvania meetings that are
being announced today will be the first. -Which brings me to the
main point of this article - to talk briefly about the "5-fold", etc.When I was in Phoenix I met up with several other leaders who
also see God move in POWER in their ministries. (-These are
quite UNKNOWN people - yet they REALLY DO see God move).One is an African preacher who I will likely be accompanying to
Africa in February to minister there. Another older couple had
taken part in the latter stages of the US "Healing Revival" - and
they had many insightful (and sad) stories to tell.Of course, one of the huge problems with the US Healing Revival
was that it tended to make "lone superstars" out of the preachers.
The "big man" would be the center of attention - and this led to
terrible problems behind the scenes - first PRIDE, then rampant
sexual sin and alcoholism and greed, etc. -Awful. These were big
reasons why that movement fell apart so badly.Which leads into today's topic - "A GATHERING of 5-FOLD". This
is something that God has really been laying on my heart lately -
the concept of "TEAMWORK" rather than the "one man superstar".
-The concept of God using TEAMS of 5-fold ministries who all
complement one another - each of them a 'specialist' in one or
two particular areas. Imagine a Revival like that!! -The WORD and
the SPIRIT JOINED.I have to tell you - I don't know ANY preachers in America today
who I feel walk in FULL APOSTLE-SHIP like we see in the Bible.
But I do know several who walk in ONE PARTICULAR ASPECT
of that kind of anointing. What if you bring all those different
aspects together? -I believe you would have FULL NEW
TESTAMENT MINISTRY going on - and perhaps even the
beginnings of Revival. And right now it is certainly on my heart to
move in that direction.Can you imagine if the coming Revival is built on "APOSTOLIC
TEAMS" like that? -No "lone superstars", but rather teams of
5-fold ministers who are more like a "family" - giving place to
one another - respecting one another's giftings, etc. -A lot more
'HUMBLE' than the one-man-show we have been used to. But
very powerful and truly GLORIFYING TO GOD.If we can just get past our petty JEALOUSIES of "who has more
anointing" and "who is getting the most attention", etc, and simply
gather together in 5-FOLD TEAMS to minister - what a powerful
testimony that would be! And how real UNITY like that would bring
the blessing of God.This is certainly the direction I feel led to explore right now - and
in fact we are already heading down that path. I would love to
hear people's comments on this - as I am quite excited about it.Please keep us in your prayers regarding all this, my friends.
PRAYER is so important right now.(Please send comments to - prophetic@revivalschool.com )
God bless you all.
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Andrew Srom.
A few weeks ago I put out an article about something that God
has been emphasizing to me lately - the concept of the "WORD
and the SPIRIT JOINED" - the concept of Finney-type preaching
married with POWERFUL DEMONSTRATION (ie. miracles). Of
course, this is extremely Scriptural.
I mentioned in that article a brother from Arizona who moves very
powerfully in deliverance and healing. His name is Mike Smith
and I was able to spend several days ministering with him in
Phoenix last week. I have to tell you, this guy has one of the
strongest anointings in deliverance that I have yet come across.
And there is no "flakiness" either. Mike says that many sicknesses
such as cancer, arthritis, "mystery" illnesses, depression, and
so-on have "spiritual" causes - and he sees people healed and
delivered all the time (-in fact, every day). -I was there and I saw!
I tell you - what power there is in the name of Jesus! -And how
demons tremble at the blood of the Lamb. If we can just stay
humble and allow God to move - what things He will do!
Mike and I will be ministering together in several places in coming
months - along with others. The Pennsylvania meetings that are
being announced today will be the first. -Which brings me to the
main point of this article - to talk briefly about the "5-fold", etc.
When I was in Phoenix I met up with several other leaders who
also see God move in POWER in their ministries. (-These are
quite UNKNOWN people - yet they REALLY DO see God move).
One is an African preacher who I will likely be accompanying to
Africa in February to minister there. Another older couple had
taken part in the latter stages of the US "Healing Revival" - and
they had many insightful (and sad) stories to tell.
Of course, one of the huge problems with the US Healing Revival
was that it tended to make "lone superstars" out of the preachers.
The "big man" would be the center of attention - and this led to
terrible problems behind the scenes - first PRIDE, then rampant
sexual sin and alcoholism and greed, etc. -Awful. These were big
reasons why that movement fell apart so badly.
Which leads into today's topic - "A GATHERING of 5-FOLD". This
is something that God has really been laying on my heart lately -
the concept of "TEAMWORK" rather than the "one man superstar".
-The concept of God using TEAMS of 5-fold ministries who all
complement one another - each of them a 'specialist' in one or
two particular areas. Imagine a Revival like that!! -The WORD and
I have to tell you - I don't know ANY preachers in America today
who I feel walk in FULL APOSTLE-SHIP like we see in the Bible.
But I do know several who walk in ONE PARTICULAR ASPECT
of that kind of anointing. What if you bring all those different
aspects together? -I believe you would have FULL NEW
TESTAMENT MINISTRY going on - and perhaps even the
beginnings of Revival. And right now it is certainly on my heart to
move in that direction.
Can you imagine if the coming Revival is built on "APOSTOLIC
TEAMS" like that? -No "lone superstars", but rather teams of
5-fold ministers who are more like a "family" - giving place to
one another - respecting one another's giftings, etc. -A lot more
'HUMBLE' than the one-man-show we have been used to. But
very powerful and truly GLORIFYING TO GOD.
If we can just get past our petty JEALOUSIES of "who has more
anointing" and "who is getting the most attention", etc, and simply
gather together in 5-FOLD TEAMS to minister - what a powerful
testimony that would be! And how real UNITY like that would bring
the blessing of God.
This is certainly the direction I feel led to explore right now - and
in fact we are already heading down that path. I would love to
hear people's comments on this - as I am quite excited about it.
Please keep us in your prayers regarding all this, my friends.
PRAYER is so important right now.
(Please send comments to - prophetic@revivalschool.com )
God bless you all.
Andrew Strom.