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A HUGE Praise!!

Posted by: townfarmer <townfarmer@...>

I got the job at the group home and had orientation today.  I had to have a health assessment and TB test before the hiring could be finalized.  In order to do that, I had to go to the public health department which is in the same building where I used to work.  When I went there on Wednesday, I was able to get in and out without seeing anyone I used to work with.  I had prayed this would happen because I was so nervous just driving into the parking lot that I almost threw up.  I had to go back first thing today to get the test read, and saw 3 very close friends and was glad to check in with them.  I have 40 hours of in-house training next week before I’m on my own for the first time on the 28th.  It’s so exciting.  I am so thankful for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me.  Thank you, Lord!!!

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