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A quiet list....

Posted by: michele.shockley <michele.shockley@...>

I, too, seem more busy than usual.  I try to read the emails that come through, but rarely write.  A few updates here:  They have concluded that Hannah's thyroid is healthy and normal, despite having continued high thyroid tests.  So something else is telling her thyroid to produce more hormone than it should.  On Tuesday we went and had an MRI on her brain to check her pituitary gland.  No word on that yet.  Emma is moved into her new apartment and likes her new roommate.  I haven't met her yet but seems like it is going well.  Eliza has started a second job at Old Navy in addition to working at the local grocery store.  I do worry a little bit about her driving to town and back at night.  It's about 15 miles of dark curvy roads or a fast moving highway....  Laura is doing well in her enrichment school, getting good grades and enjoying the atmosphere.  I am working more hours now, close to 40 in addition to getting Laura back and forth to her school and everything else home and family related.   A huge praise is that my vehicle had a serious problem with the front end, something about control arms, ball joints and hub assemblies.  It was going to be around $1600 or so.  I mentioned it on facebook and had a member of my life group at church message me.  Found out the own a huge tire shop in town.  The short story is he gave the parts at cost, and gave me a break on labor and alignment.  Only cost me $941!  Then my ex-husband (still can't stand that word and never use it) sent me a check for $400 to help.  So, my concerns turned to prayer and of course my Lord came through!  He always provides, I need to trust Him more.  

I do read and enjoy everyone's updates so keep 'em coming....
Michele in beautiful, Autumn-like Arkansas




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