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a serious need.

Posted by: mpeveto <mpeveto@...>

Hello everyone,
Let me warn you all that this message could be rather long. But while I was in prayer
this morning, I felt impressed of the Lord to write to my Christian brothers and sisters
about this need that has arisen in my life.
I am wirting to the three lists I moderate, as well as a couple close personal friends
hoping someone might be able to help, or know someone or an organization that could help.
I have never before had to write something like this, and i pray I don't have to do so
again. I'm going to start from the beginning.
Back in February of this year, a couple with whom I am very close was staying with
another couple for a time.. The folks my friends were staying with had need of a cellular
phone, which I hadd and was not using at the time. Wanting to help, I offered them the
use of my phone, providing they would pay the bill every month. Having had frequent
contact with these people I felt I knew them well enough that I could do this for them,
and not be taken advantage of. The agreement was made, and the phone was turned over to
them in march. The next thing I knew, my mail box had a bill for over $1000 in it from
celular sough, the company where I had the cellular service through. When i tried
contacting the people for the money that was owed, I found that they had left town and
gone to north Mississippi some where. So, as it stands now, I am stuck with a $1500 bill
that I didn't run up.
I explained the situation to cellular south, but basically they don't care. All they want
is their moeny, and they are entitled to it. The only problem is, I don't have that kind
of money, and they want their payment in full. I spen tthe last couple months trying to
track down those that owe the bill, but of course had no luck. I tried o help someone out,
and got taken advantage of. I have writen to cellular south explaining that if they would
research the situation they would find that while the phone was in my posession the bill
was never over $30 a month. Again, no luck.
I am hoping someone might know of a christian organization that would be willing to help
me with this bill. It is emportant that I get it payed because a situation has come up
where I may need to move and I don't want to move with this bill on my shoulders. i
didn't create the bill, but in the end i'm responsible for it because its in my name.
i've lost a lot of sleep over this, and after prayer wrote this letter to al of you.
If nothing else, pray that God will make a way for me to pay this bill in full so that I'm
not in debt over it.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this. This is the first and last letter of this
kind you will ever see from me.
God bless.