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A simple outline of Jude

Posted by: warrenm <warrenm@...>


Can be divided up into three's.

  1. The Writer's tri-fold Identification.
    1. The servant of Jesus Christ
    2. The brother of James
    3. The personal name of Jude
  2. The Writer's tri-fold Audience.
    1. Those sanctified
    2. Those preserved
    3. Those called
  3. The Writer's tri-fold Greeting.
    1. Mercy
    2. Peace
    3. Love
  4. The Writer's tri-fold Comparison. 4-13
    1. False teachers likened unto sinners.
      1. Ungodly [4]
      2. Liars
      3. Apostates
    2. False teachers likened unto country's.
      1. Egypt
      2. Sodom
      3. Gomorrah
    3. False teachers likened unto persons.
      1. Cain
      2. Balaam
      3. Core
  5. The Writer's tri-fold Call to Remembrance. [14-23]
    1. Prophecy of Enoch. [14]
    2. Words of the Apostles of Christ. [17]
    3. Standards of Christian living. [20ff]
  6. The Writer's tri-fold Benediction. [24-25]
    1. God's ability
    2. God's aim
    3. God's attributes


Preacher Jones