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A Suggestion for Preachers

Posted by: al <al@...>

I recently received this good article from Richard Sandlin.  Good advice!

Many years ago I was in a meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. The church was packed, and the people were wall to wall. They were even sitting on the platform stairs. There was a trucker there, who, whenever I hit on a good point, would shout out, “Park her there, preacher, and preach awhile!” And believe me, I did! Nevertheless, I think now one of the marks of a really great preacher is seen in him not having to finish his sermon.

The Bible knows nothing of sermons anyway; it is a message God’s man is to deliver. If a preacher is sensitive to the Holy Ghost, he will allow for Divine Intervention. As Peter was preaching to Cornelius and his household we are told, “While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.


An associate was asked about what he thought his greatly blessed and used pastor’s secret was in his preaching. His simple answer was, “He can close it out on his first or second point, he doesn’t have to finish.” I have seen preachers (including myself) take God’s people into the heavenlies, only to bring them back down to earth by their stubborn insistence in finishing their sermon. My advice to preachers, for what it is worth, is when you have God’s people in His presence, close it out and leave them there! Yes, even if it is only fifteen minutes into your message.


“God’s people do not enjoy hearing us half as much as we enjoy hearing ourselves.”
(Warren W. Wiersbe)

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