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A Surrendered Life

Posted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>

In a recent newsletter, Kenneth W. Hagin shared a letter that his father, Kenneth E. Hagin, wrote to his ministry partners. It was written in March of 1964. I would like to share it with you.

My Friend in the Lord,


Imagine two people
sitting side by side at the steering wheel of a car. Both are trying to steer
the car through heavy city traffic. One tries to stop while the other is trying
to speed up. There’s total confusion.


In a very short time,
that car is going to crash. The responsibility for driving must be placed
completely in the hands of one competent person.


It’s the same with the
Christian who only partially surrenders his life to the Lord. He asks God to
direct, but he still clings to the steering wheel of his own life. God has
asked him to surrender full control into His hands, but there are certain
things he wants to hold on to. This results in confusion, problems, and a


Only by total
surrender can we know the beauty, thrill, and deep joy of a life completely
entrusted to the loving, tender, gentle, and merciful hands of God. Only by
total surrender can we know the unspeakable confidence that comes from a life
completely guided by His Holy Spirit.


No, it isn’t easy to
surrender everything. But it is more than worth the effort. For then we’ll know
the peace of being safely guided through life’s “traffic” by the Master’s hand.


While this thought is
fresh, find a place where you can pray. Offer yourself completely to the Lord
in an unconditional surrender of all you have and are. And once you point your
life in that direction, do not look back as Lot’s wife did. Instead, press
steadfastly forward with God’s help. For He will walk by your side – all the

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