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a time to cast away stones

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Greetings in the name of the Lord,

This morning, my family is spending time deep in thought. Its a day to
think about our sins. Of course we take our sinfulness to the Lord daily,
but there are some sins we '"cherish" and tend to hold on to and today
we think mostly about those. I can share
my besetting sin with just about anyone, since it involves "wanting" things,
and not waiting for them. I guess its a carry over from being a spoiled child.
I know its wrong, but I just don't seem to let it go. It can even be manifested
in me by "wanting something to make life more simple" You know
wanting that soap mold, or that animal, when really I don't need it.
So today, like millions of others who celebrate the Jewish new year, our
family will go to the local pond and symbolically cast our sins into the water.
It does two things. It makes us aware of what sin we have carried in our hearts
for a year or more, and it reminds us that Gods love is deep and wide and
if we confess our sins, he is faithful to forgive us, just as the rocks we throw
out into the water representing a particular sin, will fall into the deep water,
and soon not even a ripple will exist where it fell in.
Throughout the scriptures, God gave us symbols. I guess we need them to
help us remember. Today, we will follow an ancient tradition of casting away
our sins into the water.

In His love,