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A Tropical Christmas

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2009, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

'Twas the night before Christmas, when I wracked my poor brain,
To create a good poem, but all was in vain.
Shiny trimmings were hanging, the tree was alight,
Papered boxes of presents hid secrets from sight.
>From the branches hung angels, swaying, bonny and fair,
Overhead from the ceiling whirred the fan, stirring air.
All the stockings were bursting, full of nuts and sweet fruit,
Anytime we expected to see Santa's red suit.
Pampered dogs were unquiet, sensing something was up,
But I languished at verses and cried in my cup.
What to do, if on Christmas, were I not to appear
With some verses to give them that merriest of cheer?
So I called on old Rudolph, now retired from the sleigh,
At his home in Jamaica, by the surf's gentle spray.
Good old Ruddy was ready with lines I could quote,
On to you now I pass them -- here's what that dear deer wrote:
"For so long I led Santa, with my ruddy red nose,
And I smiled for the camera with an innocent pose.
But not all was sweet grazing on the tundra of Nick,
We got booed and bah-humbugged, and chased with a stick.
You just can't let the Scrooges of life drag you down,
For on every street corner there's a loser to frown.
Keep on pulling and lifting as you seek some to bless,
There are people who need you, even family, no less.
When, like me, you remember, after years in the slush,
All the joy you brought people -- why, it might make you blush!
I'm so proud of my record, of my red-nosed career,
And I hope you are making someone else's path clear."
Well, I thanked kind old Rudolph for his message of hope,
For of all the good reindeer, he sure knows how to cope.
So I bid you good evening from all of us here:
Blessed Christmas to you and a happy new year.

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