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A wee view of heaven

Posted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>

Jon Galloway posted: "What will it be like in heaven? Despite the word "heaven" being used so often in the New Testament (around 240 times), there are very few descriptions of what heaven will be like and even fewer that talk about what it will be like to be in heaven. I am co"

New post on Forthright Magazine

A wee view of heaven

What will it be like in heaven? Despite the word "heaven" being used so often in the New Testament (around 240 times), there are very few descriptions of what heaven will be like and even fewer that talk about what it will be like to be in heaven. I am confident there is a reason for this: how do you describe something that is so much more wonderful than anything on earth, using purely human terms? Read more of this post


Jon Galloway | February 5, 2016 at 10:01 am | Tags: angels, bride of Christ, heaven, marriage, resurrection, Sadducees | Categories: Articles, Bible Bytes | URL:

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