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Abundant Blessings Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Abundant Blessings"


I watch the sun rise in an orange blaze,
Chasing away the early morning haze.
Admiring the splendor of the eastern sky,
Reminds me that God is always nearby.

He gave me a sunrise to start my day,
A gentle reminder to take time to pray.
For what a shame it would be not to begin,
Each beautiful day in quiet time with Him.

As I read His Word, my soul is fed,
Filling my spirit for the day ahead.
His life changing words fill each page,
From parables to psalms of praise.

I quietly ponder each written passage,
My heart is joyful from the message;
He desires to supply my every need,
Always, in all things, all sufficient is He.

My mind cannot fully comprehend,
Love like His that has no end.
To Him my heart and soul belong,
I worship Him with words and song.

I thank Him that He safely kept...
All harm from me while I slept.
I thank Him that with the morning dew,
His grace and mercy are brand new.

I praise Him with gladness in my heart,
For His faithfulness that will never depart;
For His promises that never fail to be,
Freely fulfilled as His plan unfolds for me.

I commit to Him my steps for the day,
That He will lead me along the way.
I know that He will go before me,
To make a way that I may not see.

I ask Him to stay right by my side,
To protect me and to be my Guide.
If storm clouds gather unexpectedly,
I know His peace will envelope me.

Should this be the day my heartbeat ends,
I'll spend eternity with Jesus and friends.
Reunited with loved ones gone before,
All waiting to greet me on Heaven's shore.

Now the day is off to a wonderful start,
Peace in my spirit, joy in my heart.
My quiet time with the Lord is truly a treasure,
Of abundant blessings far beyond measure.

"Take One More Look"

When you're down and you're out, and things don't go your way,
When life is a problem and you can't seem to pray,

When there's bitterness, resentment, hatred and shame,
Just say one more prayer - God is calling your name.

If you're under much stress, sorrow, grief, or despair,
When the world's coming down and no one seems to care,
When love has departed, and it is more than you can bear,
Just take one more look - God is standing right there.

When you're just giving up and don't want to go on,
And nothing makes sense there's no joy and no down,
When your burdens are more than you think you can stand,
Then open your eyes - God is holding your hand.

And with Him beside you He'll lighten your way,
Bringing hope to your future with every new day.
All He asks is to listen and watch out for Him there.
And when you're least expecting, He'll answer that prayer.

God's given you this day to be happy and live.
And if you'll accept it, He's much more to give.
Now take one more look at this life that's a chore,
Turn around, walk with Jesus - He's opened the door!

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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