Action Item: Petition Opposing Deportation of Home Schooling Family
Quote from Forum Archives on March 25, 2013, 1:17 pmPosted by: virginiaknowles <virginiaknowles@...>
Dear Hope Chest friends,I received this from my old friend Darlene, who was one of my first home school mentors when we lived in Maryland in the late 1980's and early 1990's. I keep thinking of what I would feel if I were in this situation. If you don't already have a White House petition account, it might take a few minutes to get it set up, but stick with it and it will eventually work. ~~ Virginia
Dear Virginia,
This family has become very dear to us
since moving to our town, Morristown,
and we are doing what we can to help them. We hope and pray the entire
homeschool community will get behind them as the Lord has put them in the lead of
the struggle to keep our freedom to homeschool in this country! Thought you
could help get this message out. Love to you and your family! Darlene
From: Smoky Mountain
Home Education AssociationSent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
3:22 PM
Subject: Action Item: Petition
Opposing Deportation of Home Schooling Family
Take Action: Sign
HSLDA's Petition Opposing Deportation
From: THEA
(Tennessee Home Education Association)To:
Homeschoolers of TennesseeRe: Home School Family deportation
(Please forward to your homeschool contacts, support
groups, co-ops, tutorials, etc. Thanks!)Please take a few minutes of your valuable time and SIGN
the petition (create an account, if necessary) to prevent the
deportation back to Germany of our fellow Tennessee home educators, Uwe
& Hanna Romeike and their five children.This precious Christian family fled Germany
because of the persecution by the government against them for home
schooling. They took refuge and settled in East
Tennessee. A Federal Immigration Judge in Memphis
granted them Political Asylum based on the religious persecution they
experienced in Germany
because of home schooling. This was the first time ever that political
asylum has been granted for persecution due to homeschooling!Then, under US Attorney General Eric Holder and the US
Dept. of Justice, the United States Government Agency for Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), filed an appeal for the purpose of
revoking the their asylum status and it won! Their political asylum
status has been revoked and our government intends to deport them back to
Their caseisnow under appeal to the US 6th Circuit Court of
Appeals and will be heard on Tuesday, April 23rd with Dr. Michael
Farris representing them.
the link with details of their story and a link to the petition:
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Posted by: virginiaknowles <virginiaknowles@...>
Dear Virginia,
This family has become very dear to us
since moving to our town, Morristown,
and we are doing what we can to help them. We hope and pray the entire
homeschool community will get behind them as the Lord has put them in the lead of
the struggle to keep our freedom to homeschool in this country! Thought you
could help get this message out. Love to you and your family! Darlene
From: Smoky Mountain
Home Education Association
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
3:22 PM
Subject: Action Item: Petition
Opposing Deportation of Home Schooling Family
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