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{ADMIN} list server software updated, news feed available

Posted by: timv <timv@...>

The server that hosts our list has changed their list server software to
MimerDesk. Most things should be the same, but you can now register with
the site to read the list via a news interface instead of email. This
should be a big help to those with Outlook especially. The home page of the
list server is still the same,, but there is a new
interface. Make sure to register with the email address that you are
currently subscribed with. If you don't want to use the web site/news
interface you don't need to register. You will continue to get the list in
the form for which you are currently subscribed.

If you can't figure things out from the site, let me know. I have
posted instructions there in our download area at
on how to set up the news feed for Outlook.


--------------- Text of forwarded message ---------------
>Delivered-To: mailing list
>From: Glen Stewart <>
>Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 08:49:46 -0500
>Subject: [Moderator] Transition Completed!!
>The visible switch to MimerDesk is complete.
>You may now tell your subscribers to come visit their new home in MimerDesk!
>The URL is Tell them about these features:
> o read messages online if they prefer not getting Email
> o post messages to the group from the web Email tool
> o personal TODO list, calendar, address book, files, friends
> o group email, files, links, address book, reviews, calendar, news,
> voting, projects, and forums (chat is not working for now)
> o Easy visibility of all group members, with only the details YOU
> want
> to share with others visible.

Timothy VanFosson, Manager E-mail:
Computing Services, Web Master WWW:
Center for Computer-Aided Design US Mail: The University of Iowa
Phone: (319) 335-6298 208 ERF
FAX: (319) 384-0542 Iowa City, Iowa 52242

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit
his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?