God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
A church in which there is expositional preaching will be a church that is encouraging Christian growth – as we listen to God speaking from His Word into our lives. God’s Word is what we need if we are to grow. But we won’t learn that basic fact by looking to the culture around us to tell us what we most need. We can’t even look into our own hearts for such knowledge.
Thanks so much for making this happen! I've been reading Usenet news
for a long time on job-related newsgroups, and this makes sorting
messages a *ton* easier!!!! Bye, bye e-mail digests...
Posted by: Robert.H.Lowe <Robert.H.Lowe@...>
Thanks so much for making this happen! I've been reading Usenet news
for a long time on job-related newsgroups, and this makes sorting
messages a *ton* easier!!!! Bye, bye e-mail digests...