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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by Andrew Strom.

I just got back yesterday from a wonderful trip to Uganda. Very
sorry that there was no List last week while I was away, my friends.
I actually set it up to publish several articles, but it did not work
for some reason. My apologies.

Uganda was excellent. We were there with Mission For Vision - an
awesome team from the UK - and Alex Tinson and myself were to
be responsible for the Pastors and Leaders conferences. We were
able to preach 5 sessions a day, which was great because we simply
soaked them in the word - quite a radical word - and really saw great
results. There were about 500 pastors and leaders in all. The themes
were "The true and false gospels of today," 'What is a real disciple?',
"What is true Christianity?" and the like. We could see it was
producing genuine change. Glory to God! Thankyou so much
for your prayers.

The prosperity gospel is making huge inroads right across Africa
and the developing world - and so it is vital that we teach these things
to the leaders. It really is distressing to see what is happening. That
is why we were so grateful to be able to address the leaders like this.
But I am often saddened that what we are able to do almost seems
like a "drop in the ocean" compared to what the devil is doing world-
wide. But then, I encourage myself, should we not consider David's
5 stones and also the little lad with the 5 small loaves and fishes?
Surely God can multiply even our tiny offerings to defeat the giant
Goliaths. But the church sure does seem overrun with deception
on an unimaginable scale. And it is the poor and simple sheep that
are often being targeted. I am hoping to publish an article soon on
this entitled "The Worldwide Emergency" or something similar -
about the disastrous distortions of the gospel that are taking hold
around the world. Particularly a gospel of prosperity and selfishness.
What untold damage is being done.

But onward we must run - into the breach, my friends! And Uganda
was certainly an encouragement to go on with the fight.

Thanks so much once again for your prayers.

God bless you all!

Andrew Strom.