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Aged Wisdom

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

From Proverbs 8

Aged Wisdom, born before creation,
Takes her stand at the highway's intersection,
Calling with full lungs to every nation,
Offering discernment and correction:

"Listen, peoples, what my counsel offers:
What is right, nothing crooked or twisted.
I can give you more than wealthy coffers;
Freely I bestow -- I'm not tight-fisted.

"Justice is my path, my righteous treadings,
Those who love me I make to inherit
Wealth; by me kings reign and gain their headings;
Potentates decree by my good merit.

"Princes rule by me, judges, nobles.
Riches and honor are with me; those who bind me
Fast to their breast are saved from many troubles;
Those who love me I love; who seek me find me.

"God created me before the beginning;
I was born when there was no deep ocean,
Nary a sun to shine, no galaxies spinning,
Not a flowing spring, no worlds in motion.

"I was there when God set heaven's measure,
Present for the stirring of the fountains,
When he bid the waters heed his pleasure,
When he set in place the hills and mountains.

"So, my children, hear and heed my direction,
Daily at my doors, watching, pressing,
Set upon my ways your full affection,
For the one who finds me receives God's blessing.

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