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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Andrew Strom.

Several people wrote saying that our original "Agonizing Prayer"
file was too long to fit on a CD. -So I have now posted a smaller
audio of just the "Prayer Meeting" part - so people can download
it and put it on a CD - and pray along at home or in the car! (Details
at the end of this email).

A young man named Jim wrote something powerful to me this
week about this 'Agonizing Prayer' audio. Here is what he said:
"I took out the last 40 some minutes of prayer... I also put it on
CD and listened to it in my car, and God has filled me with such
a Godly sorrow that I cannot bear evil. I cannot bear any of it, if
I mis-speak, I cannot bear it. If someone asks me "How are you
today" and I lie, I hate it. To God be the glory, I think this prayer
is amazing and that whole "Godly Sorrow leads to repentance
unto Salvation" verse is coming alive for me!"

I strongly encourage you to do as this young man did, my friends,
and PRAY ALONG with this audio - or listen to it in the car.

By the way, I hope you know how to download MP3 files and put
them on an audio CD! (Please don't ask me - ask your children!)

To listen or download this "Agonizing" prayer meeting, you will
find it at the top right of the following website-

God bless you in your praying, my friends.

-Andrew Strom.