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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that having sufficiency in all things, you may abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Sufficient for each conflict, sufficient for each cross,
This grace will compensate thee for every earthly loss,
No task that lies before you, no enemy you face,
But you will find the Master provides sufficient grace.
"Sufficiency in all things", He promises His own,
Whatever path you travel you need not go alone;
For this is His own promise in every time and place,
In all life's circumstances an all-sufficient grace.
What if all friends should leave you, what if all things conspire
To multiply against you, and frustrate your desire;
What if some thorn beset you from which you fain were free,
His strength in weakness perfect enough will always be.
No need to dread the future nor what awaits you there;
God never gives a burden but grace with it to bear,
And this is His own promise for every time and place,
In all life's circumstances an all-sufficient grace.
No flame can kindle on thee, no waters ever drown,
With Him the strong and mighty you gain the Victor's crown.
No load can be too heavy if He that load doth share;
His grace is all sufficient to carry every care.
And when your strength is failing, and life is ebbing fast,
He surely will not fail you, nor leave you at the last;
For this is His own promise, whate'er you have to face,
His strength in weakness perfect shall give sufficient grace.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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