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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<>< Alone I Am Nothing ><>

Dear God, forgive me for being critical of others
Who do things that I cannot do.
I know that they must answer to you, Dear Lord,
Let me remember it's not me but you.
Don't let me be jealous and get out of sorts,
Just help me be faithful and true.
And if there's a way you want me to witness to them,
Then lead me that thing to do.
Perhaps what they're doing doesn't bother you at all,
The problem may not be with them but with me.
I'm glad you didn't appoint me to be the world's judge,
And so thankful that your grace sets me free.
If you see me straying away from your fold,
Or getting close to or crossing the line,
Bring me up short and correct me I pray-
No excuses because the wandering is mine.
I love you, I trust you, I praise and I thank you
For temporal and eternal life,
And that you are my leader and friend,
And that you've saved me from sin and its strife.
Alone I am nothing but with you by my side
I have a glorious future secure.
You've forgiven me and cleansed me and you're leading me home
To Heaven so peaceful and pure.
<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><
<>< Call Upon Him ><>
The boy walked along the ocean shore
trying not to stray.
He looked up to his father saying,
Dad, I want to play.
His father looked upon him,
with love showing in his eyes.
Do what you want to, my son
but do not leave my side.
I would never leave you Daddy,
I love you way too much.
But the boy took a step away,
out of his father’s range of touch.
He walked through the surf,
the waves tickling one toe.
If I take one more step in . . . he thought,
Father will never know.
His father called out to him,
Son, to me remain true!
The boy thought with glee
At the moment I don’t need you!
His father felt a sadness,
but he held his tongue.
Sometimes lessons need to be learned
even when so young.
The boy stepped out a little further
the water covering his waist.
His father spoke with urgency
his father spoke with haste.
My son, come back to me, he said,
The day is almost done!
Not yet, Dad, the boy yelled,
I’m having too much fun!
But the boy did not have his father’s insight
so he could not yet tell,
The tide was coming in fast
there would be no time to yell.
Father! he tried to scream,
as the water covered his head.
I need you now, Daddy!
was what the boy had said.
And in a single instant
his father was by his side.
I thought you left me, Daddy
I thought you went to hide.
The father looked upon his son
a tear streaming down his cheek.
The boy looked upon his father
and cried the sobs of the meek.
"I would never leave you son
for I love you just the same.
I was only waiting
for you to call upon my name.
<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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