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Alphanumeric pager codes

Posted by: kshmidheiser <kshmidheiser@...>

Thanks to all of you who responded with hints, I have successfully finished
my Area Code Indexer and am working on another project.

I want to write a small application that can send a message from my Mac to
my alphanumeric pager. I realize there are commerical applications that do
this, but many of them are set for sophisticated systems such as SkyTel,
etc. which require PIN numbers and use 1-800 lines. I believe I can write a
simple application if I can figure out the communication protocol.

My regional pager company allows callers to dial a local access number
where they can manually enter their phone numbers for transmission to my
pager, or send written messages via computer.

Does anyone know how a pager interprets the alphanumeric code. I am
guessing that it somehow uses standard ASCII nomenclature, perhaps with
some type of flag to allow it to identify the ASCII number as a letter. I
have tried sending ASCII numerical values, but my pager responds with
numbers, not letters.

Anyone out there have any hints?

Concerning capturing keystrokes in an event loop, I want to extend special
thanks to Al Boyd who, with only a few lines of code helped me modify an FN
to capture 3-digit entries in an edit field. Notice the last few lines Al
added in this example:

LOCAL FN checkKeys
EFnum = WINDOW(_EFnum)
key$ = TEKEY$
LONG IF ASC(key$) => ASC("0") AND ASC(key$) <=ASC("9")
TEKEY$ = key$
FN errorWarning
inNow$ = EDIT$(EFnum) 'get string from EF
IF LEN(inNow$) = 3 THEN FN getCode$ 'if 3 numbers in do it
IF LEN(inNow$) > 3 THEN SETSELECT 0,255 'if more then 3 select all

By setting the length of the input field to three keystrokes, Al's
modification calls the main database search FN getCode$ each time 3-digit
entries are detected in the loop. A nice thing is that the code is easily
modifable for any length string. It's kinda like e=mc2, sweet, simple...
and smart.

Why couldn't I think of it?

Thanks again Al and company.

Ken Shmidheiser Systems Administrator/Publisher

Internet: Fax: 606.878.7400
Somerset, KY 42502-0221 Phone: 606.679.4266