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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear "Shoulders" and "LUMglobal" friends, family, and partners:
A week or two ago I mentioned that some of the leaders of the Farsi ministry in our previous ministry were taking a trip to another city.  This past Saturday morning I got a thrilling "password protected" report which I felt would bless you.  Here are excerpts from that report from "M".  As is my custom, I have edited it so that identities of people and places are impossible.  I do hope you will rejoice in this amazing report of God's faithfulness.
Frankly, it should put most of us to shame concerning just how lightly most of us take the Gospel and the Great Commission.  Be blessed as you read.
Dear Kingdom Partners,
It’s been such a wonderful time for me as I saw how the Lord guided us in our latest mission trip to “city 3”. My heart is filled with joy as I write this praise report and shortly I’ll give you an update about it.
“Father’s House” 
Our Farsi Sunday service (called Father’s House), has been hosting some new comers past month. About 3 weeks ago, we had one new comer from (country 2) and another new (person from country 1). The (person from country 1) came back again to our service and is interested in hearing more about God. About 2 weeks ago, “F” received a phone call from one of the people with whom we had shared the gospel in the  “city 3” where we have made 2 mission trips.   He told “F” that 2 of his (countrymen) acquaintances had come to "city 1" to fly back to (country), but for some reasons, they missed the plane. He also mentioned that they had very little money to survive and no where to live. “F” arranged with “V”, met them in the city and took them to the bus stop where "V" has to catch a bus and go back home everyday. "V" took them with him [to] Father’s House fellowship time and hosted them in his flat.
“V” used this opportunity to witness to them and the next day, he brought them with him to the church. They were all amazed at the kindness and love they experienced, especially when "V’s" flat is only 36 Meters, he has wife and a ten-year-old son, and yet he had agreed to host them along with their luggage. They stayed for our Sunday service and heard the message of the gospel. After the service, I got a chance to witness to them and share my testimony, and explain to them the plan God has for their lives.  We gave each one a Bible and they were really interested in reading it.  We had about 14 people in that service.                                             
Ministry visit
"V" had contacted some of the (country)  pastors that teach in (country) churches in America. One of them preaches on T.V and his preaching is broadcasted to(country) through Satellite. The statistics show that more than 15 million (citizens of that country) have seen him at least once. He is a very godly man, a professor in university and a very good preacher. The Lord has put on his heart to make a trip to"city 1" [where we live] to help Father’s house to reach out to more Iranians. We are now thinking and praying about planning some more possible trips to "city 3", "city 2" and maybe "city 4". We’re also thinking of some possible Evangelistic events where we can reach out to Iranians who live in "city 1". The date is not clear yet, but it should be somewhere around end of May.
Sharing the gospel with Imam
Since the time we have shared the gospel with that Imam, we have been safe and fine. We haven’t received any threat from embassy yet. We continue praying for those with whom we have shared the gospel and we would like to ask you to do the same thing with us. I have attached a picture in which you can see us standing next to that Imam. It might help you get a better understanding of what type of person he is and pray for him. (Obviously I deleted that picture.  Sorry, but it was necessary.) 
A quick update on "D’s" situation
 We don’t rejoice over the fact that he has not been brave enough to stand on his belief, (although we don’t know what he has said in the court session. But we definitely can guess that he has not stood on his faith, (otherwise he would be dead till now!).  But at the same time, we don’t blame him for that because we are aware of the fear and the pressure he went through in the court session as a 2 years old believer.
We are glad that he is alive now and are confident that the Lord will use him in His further plan. "D’s" father has called one of his friends in "city 2" and talked about the recent events. As I mentioned, even though we don’t know exactly what "D" has said in court (his father hasn’t really mentioned that), apparently he has been sentenced to jail. His father has appealed to a higher court . . . for reconsideration. He has paid a 15000 USD fine and also has put his house in bond of the government so that "D" can be out of jail until the next court session. None of his friends can call his house because the phone is wiretapped. His father usually calls from a remote telephone booth.
"City 3" mission trip
It was one of the best mission trips I have ever had. First because I was accompanied with 3 wonderful Godly men: "V", "Hu" and "F" from whom you can learn many things, and second because we found 12 to 15 people that gladly heard the message of the gospel without dispute.
We left the "city 1" around 6:15 A.M on Saturday morning. We rode on an express train for about four and half hours and around 10:35 A.M, we arrived in the "city 3". As soon as we left the train, one of "Hu’s" brothers along with his friend met us at the railway station and took us to the flat we had rented. We had decided from the very beginning to rent a flat and invite people to our flat to share the gospel with them. When we arrived at the flat, "Hu" and I accompanied with "Hu’s" brother and his friend went to a supermarket to buy food and refreshments. On the way to supermarket and back, I got a chance to witness to "Hu’s" brother and the friend that was with him. We then came back an hour later. Since two of "Hu’s" brothers study in "city 3", "Hu" had asked them before our trip to gather people to have fellowship together.
Around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, people showed up. "Hu’s" second brother along with another friend came in. Soon after, one more friend joined. Meanwhile, "V" cooked spaghetti and we all ate. We fellowshipped together and build relationship. Then we began to share with them. One of them was very interested and asked many questions while others just listened. "Hu’s" brothers told me that a miracle had to happen to their brother because he’s been changed so much. They told us some about "Hu’s" past life and amazed us even more at God’s power.
Around 9 in the evening, "Hu’s" brothers told us about their schedule in "city 3": They wake up around 4 in the afternoon and then eat breakfast. They attend 1 or 2 sessions at the university and then they go to a big entertainment center along with many other (of their countrymen). In that entertainment center, they play bowling and billiard; they eat pizza and do skating on the icy arena.
We all then decided to get out of our warm flat and go where the sinners are!  We took the risk of facing people who are trouble makers or even from the side of the embassy because we thought it’s worthy to meet those who have open hearts.
  As soon as we arrived in the big entertainment center, we saw many other (fellow countrymen) playing or eating. We sat down on a sofa next to a bowling row and met with more (fellow countrymen). We built friendship with them and invited all of them to come to our flat. An hour later, we went to "Hu’s" brother flat where many people gathered. There were about 10 to 12 non believers with whom we got a chance to share the gospel. I told my testimony and answered their questions about God.  
Our conversation went on and on and I looked at the clock and it was around 4 A.M!All of us ("V", "F", "Hu" and I) were very tired because we were not used to such a schedule: waking up at 4 P.M and go to bed 5 A.M next day!!!  Anyway, we came back home around 5 A.M and slept for about 3 or 4 hours. One of the (fellow countrymen) there loved our company so much that [he] didn’t want to leave us and came to our flat to sleep. In the afternoon, many people gathered again. There were some people we had met the night before in the entertainment center. After having some tea, I began the conversation again about the Bible. It was amazing that people were ALL open to hear. We never even once heard such phrases like: why Jesus had to die for me or why He is God?
They all listened carefully and asked us for Bibles. We had taken with us around 40 gospels of John and 10 Bibles. The conversation about the Lord went on till about 1 A.M.  "V" cooked (a national) food and "F" continued reasoning about the Bible with them.  Then "Hu" talked some about the Bible and his changed life and "V" invited everyone to read a story from the Bible – the story of the lost son from Luke 15.  Around 1 A.M, "V" was so tired that he went to bed, and around 2 A.M, "F" went to bed too. They had worked so hard that just fell asleep." H"u and I continued talking to people.
Around 2, people asked me to tell some of my diaries from India. So I talked about my dairies for about 3 hours and I found out that it was very fun for people to hear. Around 4 A.M, "Hu" cooked chicken and we all had dinner! It was very difficult to get used to “city 3" schedule because we usually sleep at 12 and wake up at 7 a.m in "city 1".  People eventually left around 6:00 A.M and after taking a shower, "Hu" and I went to bed.  We slept for about 3 hours and we woke up and headed toward bus stop to take a bus back to "city 1".  Around 12, we got on the bus and arrived in "city 1" around 18:00 P.M Monday afternoon.
In our trip, we totally shared the gospel with 12 to 15 (fellow countrymen) including 3 girls.  We built friendship with them and gave them Bibles. They all were interested in reading it. We thank God for the opportunity he provided for us.
Ira’s ministry
    Ira teaches V’s son 
My wife has agreed to conduct a one on one Sunday school class for "V’s" 10 years-old son. Over the past few months, Ira has met with “Arthur” every Sunday, and while we have our worship service, she has taught him Bible stories. About a month ago, "Arthur" accepted the Lord and prayed with my wife. "V" has told my wife that "Arthur" has become a better student and studies better in the school.
    Valentine’s Day
Ira bought some red A4 papers and cut them into heart shapes. She then printed on each heart a verse from the Bible about love. She went out on the street next to our apartment, and shared the gospel with people who were passing by the side walk by congratulating them the Valentine’s Day, and then asking them to pull a heart-shape paper out of her hands and read it. Then she asked about their opinions and shared God’s love with them. She also did this with her students that come to study English with her as well as with people who go to the shaping class with her next to our apartment.
    Ira’s friends
About few months ago, Ira had shared the gospel with a Ukrainian girl that used to attend Jehovah witness’s church. Few weeks later, she met with Ira, prayed with her and believed in the Lord. She now calls Ira from time to time and asks Ira questions about the Bible. She was at our apartment few weeks ago and Ira had another chance to explain her truth of the Bible and help her grow spiritually.
Few days ago, a very old friend of Ira that hadn’t seen her for about 4 years called her and wanted to meet her. She had seen another friend of Ira on the street and she had told her about me and Ira. She came to visit us around 10:30 in the evening. We then found out that she was going to fly to Germany next morning around 8 and she had come all the way to our apartment to ask us some questions. She told us that she has a friend in Germany that is from Morocco and he is a very devoted Muslim. She explained that she has been attending church from time to time and she is a good Orthodox Christian. She also told us that she’s now interested in Islam and making a long story short, she was looking for the truth in life. From one hand, she was under the influence of her Muslim friend and from the other hand, she felt like she’s culturally orthodox. So Ira and I took time to explain to her the truth of the gospel. I explained the history of the Islam to her and told her not to give into the lies of Islam. Ira gave her a Bible in German. We then exchanged phone numbers and emails and she asked us if she can write back and ask her questions.
Prayer requests
Please pray for the followings:
+  People in Father’s House and our future plans of Evangelism
+  My International church and the plans and decisions we are going to make
+  Safety in "city 1" both from embassy and NeoNatzi groups. Few days ago, as "F" and I were in the class, some people called "F’s" roommate and told him to rush to the hostel because NeoNatzi group were going to have a parade in front of the hostel. As "F and that African guy had rushed to the hostel, the hostel staff’s sealed the door and soon after, there were NeoNatzi group insulting and shouting out side the hostel. Unfortunately, Ukrainian government does"n’t do anything about it and they allow these people to attack foreigners and harass them. Many of my friends have been beaten severely. It really disappoints me when I see all these discrimination here and when I see that the government is reluctant toward doing something about it. The number of the people who get involved in these groups has been increasing and it’s very disappointing to watch that. We must wear cap as we travel in the city underground and not to talk in Farsi because there’s always the danger of being attacked. Please pray for Ukrainian government and for the salvation of those who get involved in these groups.
+  For Ira’s friend, Ania. She is the one that has believed in the Lord and is growing in her faith
+  For the Iranian people in "city 2" and "city 3" and their salvation
+  For the people with whom Ira has shared and that they’ll know the truth and be free
We thank you for your love, care and support. We praise the Lord for you and your ongoing care for us. Without your help and support, it would have been very difficult, if not impossible, for us to keep up the good work the Lord has for us. If we are safe and fine, it’s because of our Lord’s grace and your prayers.
May the Lord bless your abundantly,
In Him,

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