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"American Blessing Mix" Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"American Blessing Mix"
Bugles: Shaped like a cornucopia or Horn of Plenty, a symbol of our
nation's abundance.
Pretzels: Arms folded in prayer, a freedom sought by those who founded our
Candy corn: Sacrifices of the Pilgrims' first winter. Food was so
scarce that settlers survived on just a few kernels of corn a day.
Nuts or seeds: Promise of a a future harvest, one we will reap only if
seeds are planted and tended with diligence.
Dried fruits: Harvest gifts of our bountiful land.
M&Ms: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future.
Hershey's Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
"The Cost of Prayer"
Most of us don't pray on a regular basis
Because we're deeply aware that it will cost us something.
More than time.
More than money.
More than faith.
More than becoming religious.
To lay hold of prayer as our own available resource for effective,
practical, daily use--as an abiding certainty in an
unpredictable world--will cost us one thing.
Today I will delete from my diary two days: yesterday and tomorrow
Yesterday was to learn
and tomorrow will be the consequence of what I can do today.
Today I will face life with the conviction that this day will not ever return.
Today is the last opportunity I have to live intensely, as no one can assures me that I will see tomorrow's sunrise.
Today I will be brave enough not to let any opportunity pass me by, my only alternative is to succeed.
Today I will invest my most valuable resource: my time, in the most transcendental work: my life;
I will spend each minute passionately to make  of today a different and unique day in my life.
Today I will defy every obstacles that appears on my way trusting I will succeed.
Today I will resist pessimism and will conquer the world with a smile, with the positive attitude of expecting always the best.
Today I will make of every ordinary task  a sublime _expression,
Today I will have my feet on the ground understanding reality  and the stars' gaze to invent my future.
Today I will take the time to be happy and will leave my footprints and my presence in the hearts of others.
Today,  I invite you to begin a new season where we can dream that everything we undertake is possible and we fulfil it, with joy and dignity.
Author Unknown
There are two ways of spreading light,
to be the candle or be the mirror
that reflects it.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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