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An Adult's Evening Prayer

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

Now I lay me down to rest;
All through the day I gave my best.
I pray the Lord my work to take
And use it for his glory's sake.

I know the Lord will do me right:
I sleep in peace til morning's light,
If he shall grant another day--
Or else to Heaven I'll wing my way.

Upon my pillow lies my head,
My quiet body on my bed,
But watching from his blessed skies,
My God will never close his eyes.


The poem "Don't Mumble" got some generous

"Marvelous advice. If only we would all follow it
without hesitation. Enjoyed the humor and
appreciated the seriousness of the message."

"Great! I have had to eat my words before--we all
need to think before we speak!" --S.B.

"Oh, I LIKE that one!" --M.E.W.

"Good work! Keep it up!" --M.M.

Thanks for your comments. We're always encouraged
to hear from you.

Cloudburst is going to prison. This from Arkansas:

"I couldn't 'forward' your poem to one of our new
members, who happens to be incarcerated at the
moment. I printed a copy of it to send to her. I
thought it might help send a little bit of hope to
her part of the prison. She seems to be working to
improve herself for when she is released (2011).
Time will tell, but several of us write to her
each week to help her stay encouraged and remember
that God is with her, even in prison. So now you
are part of that prison ministry, too!" --L.M.

We're glad Cloudburst is encouraging people to
seek the Lord's face. You may find new ways to use
it as well!

Also, another list you'll like is our UPLift, Your
Day to Shine. Read more about it here: or just sign up now:

Oh, and be sure to share today's poem, as is, with
your friends. There's so much anonymous refried
stuff floating around out there--send something
nobody has seen before!