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"AN APOSTLE I KNEW" - Touching Story

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

NOTE: This is a touching story - that makes a very important point.

-by Grover.

Much ado is being made about modern day apostles and prophets.
We hear of new "apostolic" networks and ministries, with their
"impartation meetings" and "apostolic anointings." Everybody who
is somebody in the body of Christ is now an apostle. Even the
prophets are becoming apostles. Maybe the pastors are becoming
prophets to fill the vacuum? Apostles are people who are sent by
God to a specific people or for a specific mission. We've often
used the word "missionary" in place of "apostle" because of the
connotation. By definition, an apostle is a "sent one."

Anyway, the Lord reminded me of a very special apostle that I
spent time with early in my Christian walk. His name was Tacho.
He was probably in his mid 50's when Edith and I met him. He had
been a laborer for most of his life, barely spoke English and was
illiterate. He and his wife (Elfida) had been Catholic most of their
lives, until meeting Jesus and being baptized in the Holy Spirit by
a supernatural encounter. When Tacho was baptized in the Holy
Spirit, he suddenly was able to read the Bible, both in English and
in Spanish. We spent a lot of time with Tacho and Elfida, mostly
in the ghettos of Mexico. I remember many times when Tacho
stood up in the streets to preach the gospel, Elfida would fall to
her knees and cry out to God, battling in the heavenlies, and the
glory of God would fall on those filty streets. Demons screamed
and left, people were healed and delivered, witches converted to
Jesus, it was a glorious time. Edith and I learned through their
example the role of husband and wife in a spiritual war that battled
for the souls and hearts of men.

I never heard Tacho speak of anything except Jesus, even in
conversations with others on the team. Jesus was his passion, his
only vision, his entire life. Elfida was always right beside him,
supporting, battling, praying for needs. What a powerful team that
God had put together as a witness to His life and glory. These
simple people had the most profound effect on our lives. They
never elevated themselves in any manner, were always totally
humble and poured themselves out to the poor people that they
were sent to. When they weren't on the streets, they pastored
some of the little churches that met in shacks and byways. They
were always feeding the poor, taking clothing and necessities,
even giving food and Christmas presents to sometimes thousands
of children.

Edith and I didn't speak much Spanish, but we always knew what
was being preached (in Spanish) by the Spirit. Once Tacho told
me that the Spirit had told him to blow on someone and they fell
down in the Spirit. He was humbled and amazed that God would
use him like that. He truly did what the Spirit told him.

Nobody ever told Tacho that he was an apostle. He only thought
of himself as a humble servant of the wonderful God who had
saved him and filled him with His Spirit. I believe he served
faithfully until he died as an unknown soldier of the Lord. Tacho
was the greatest example of an apostle that I have ever personally
known, though we grew up with several others who had similar
callings. Tacho was the one who was of the least value to the
world, but of immense value to the kingdom of God

I have no idea how many souls were touched by the Lord through
this precious saint. If I had asked him, I'm sure he would have had
no idea that he had touched them. . . he only knew that the Lord
had touched them. I suspect that hundreds, perhaps thousands of
folks had a personal encounter with Jesus as Tacho crossed their
path. Jesus working in a simple, devoted, humble vessel that
hardly was aware of anything other than his Lord. If I could send a
message to Tacho in heaven, I would say, "Tacho, I want to be
like you when I grow up!"

God bless you all, and God bless you, Tacho....

~Found on the Forum at-