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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Hope4Kyiv family, friends, and supporters:
This is a very brief but vitally important letter just before we leave for a "sight-seeing/study/research" trip to Israel Thursday morning.  Our regular letter will hopefully come in a few days in which we will share some exciting reports of how God is at work.
In the meantime, . . .
Our youngest daughter recently wrote a short article on the issue of "Choice" when it comes to the matter of abortion.  She titled it "The Bible Is Pro-Choice" and intended it to only be published in a local newspaper.  She sent it to several of us in the family and asked for our opinion.
Jo Ann and I felt it was so outstanding that we decided to get her permission to share it with others for as much distribution as we possibly can prior to the election.  The reason we want to do so is because we know that debate on other issues are drowning the voices of the unborn because many people still think Material Things are more important than Moral Issues.
If this article impresses you as it has us, please find every way possible to distribute it quickly.  Time is of the essence.  It deserves to be read.  We've sent it both as an attachment and as a regular part of this letter just to be sure you get it.  Note it below.
Gratefully, and in behalf of my twelfth grandchild,



Deanna Reynolds is a wife and mother of three who speaks from personal experience.  She believes strongly that every life is a gift from God.  Her third child, Nicole Grace, was born with a fatal genetic disorder called Mosaic Trisomy 18, and lived just under six months before she died Thanksgiving Day week end  in 2004.  During her pregnancy she never once considered aborting the life within her.  She and her husband, Jim, have two other children, Michael and JoyLinn.  Even though she lived such a short time, "Baby Nicole" as she came to be known, impacted the lives of thousands of people, literally around the world as her story spread through e-mails and photos on the internet.


With the election coming quickly upon us, I was rehearsing in my mind all the different reasons given for one being “pro-life” or “pro-choice”.  I remembered a verse from Deuteronomy 30:19.  “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So CHOOSE…..”


            We all make decisions countless times a day, what to wear, what to eat, what to read, etc.  But we also make much more critical choices on a daily basis.  For example, I CHOOSE not to die from lung cancer, therefore, I CHOOSE not to smoke.  I CHOOSE to do everything within my power to not die from heart disease, therefore, I eat healthy and exercise regularly.  I CHOOSE to not wake up with a hangover, therefore, I CHOOSE to not consume alcohol.  I CHOOSE to not die by lethal injection or electric chair, therefore, I CHOOSE to not murder.  I CHOOSE to not pay $100 speeding tickets, therefore, I CHOOSE to not speed. 


As a single adult, I CHOSE to not suffer from sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, therefore, I CHOSE abstinence until I was married. All of my choices have a common goal – to avoid negative, unwanted, harmful, even fatal consequences.  For the same reasons I CHOOSE to stay out of debt, save money, remain faithful to my spouse, pray for my children, obey the law, treat others with respect, and the list goes on and on.  Besides simply being the right thing to do, I choose not to suffer unnecessary consequences.  I experience enough consequences daily when I mess up on “the little things” to understand the idea of “cause and effect.”


            So here’s my point…if a woman wants the “right to choose” whether or not she wants to have a baby along with all the responsibility that raising a child entails, shouldn’t that CHOICE be made long before the actual life of the child is conceived?  You see, abortion is not about CHOOSING to not have a child, it’s about choosing to not face the natural result, dare I say consequences, inherent with the risk taken when engaging in sex (whether married or unmarried).


            In all of scripture, the Bible clearly points out that we all have free will – FREEDOM OF CHOICE. And there are natural results and consequences, both positive and negative, to every choice.  Although the right to choose our actions is freely granted to all, the right to eliminate ensuing consequences is NOT.  You can choose to smoke but you cannot decide to NOT have lung cancer once you are stricken with it.  You can eat whatever you want and never exercise; however, you cannot choose to no longer have heart disease after the first heart attack.  You can choose to exceed the speed limit, but you cannot refuse to pay the speeding ticket once it’s been issued – unless you prefer more severe consequences instead. 


Try as you might, consequences cannot be escaped forever.  And trying to eliminate initial consequences will bring more severe ones in the aftermath.


            Like I said, the Bible is Pro-Choice, and graciously it encourages us to make the right choice and then follows it up with the promised blessing.  Deut. 30:19 continues “…..So CHOOSE LIFE in order that you may live, you and your descendants.”


            When I go to the polls, that is what I promise to do in regards to every candidate on the ballot, regardless of political party – I will CHOOSE LIFE.


            My name is Deanna Reynolds and I am campaigning on behalf of the RIGHT TO CHOOSE the innocent unborn children in America.  I approve this message.

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