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an update

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

Thank you ladies for praying for me in the dark!!!! Things have calmed down here. We had a crisis with our oldest son. He did something he shouldn't have and his dad and I were totally thrown for a loop. We took a weekend and prayed about it and then sat down with him and had a nice long talk (I cried) and then gave him his punishment. It's been hard on all of us. We've been driving him back and forth to work twenty five miles each direction. Keeps us up late, but we didn't want him to have to quit his job.

What he did was very serious in our eyes. Even though he truly repented we felt like we needed to really pull in the reins on him for a while. So, he's grounded from everything for 2 weeks. (He has a new car, its sat in the driveway!) THen, he's very limited in what he can do for 3 months. His Jamaica missions trip is canceled. And his dad fined him $350 (there was financial incentive to his misdeeds, so there was financial punishment as well).

All in all, its going well. He is always happiest when he is grounded. He gets to spend lots of quality time with us and he thrives on it. So, family is happy and well and learning and peaceful once again.

Thanks to all of you who sent private emails. They were very encouraging. And thanks to those who prayed for us! It gave us strength and a calm spirit.

His Peace,