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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

As you all know, Andrew recently visited Papua New Guinea where
he had a wonderful and encouraging time. God was moving and
many were baptised and received the Holy Spirit. Milne Bay
Province, where Andrew was ministering, is the seat of witchcraft in PNG.

Less than 2 weeks after his return to Melbourne, Andrew began to
experience fevers and chills. This continued for about six days.
Although we had visited the Dr and been advised to wait a while, it
began to increasingly trouble us the Andrew was not recovering as
he is hardly ever sick.

As the situation worsened, we felt he should have blood tests done
at the hospital. Sadly, it was discovered that Andrew has Malaria
which, as you probably know, is a serious illness. Andrew will
remain in hospital for a number of days.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers for a speedy recovery!

God bless you,

Jacqui Strom