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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

ANDREW STROM's NEW BOOK - for *Any* Donation-

"TRUE & FALSE REVIVAL" (124 pages).

What are the FACTS about Todd Bentley's Lakeland revival that
we are not hearing? What is really behind the strong emphasis
on getting 'drunk' and strange angel encounters, etc? What is
happening around the world as this 'anointing' hits other places?
Why does the New Age "Kundalini" experience seem almost
identical to this 'impartation'? What is True Revival, and how do
we tell the false from the true? -All these questions and more
are answered in this provocative book.

(The author, Andrew Strom, spent 11 years in the same Prophetic
movement as Todd Bentley - until he quit in anguish over the
unbiblical and bizarre things going on in that movement. Thus he
brings a real "Insider's" perspective to this subject).

IMPORTANT NOTE: This book supercedes Andrew's earlier book,
"Why I Left the Prophetic Movement". Whole sections of that
book have been included in this new one - because they are so
relevant to the topic.

ANDREW: We knew we needed to get this book out quickly, and
the fastest way to do so was to get some printed in Africa - where
I have been ministering for the last 2 weeks. (An amazing trip. We
saw literally hundreds of pastors publicly repent and commit
themselves to drive the Love of Money and the Prosperity gospel
out of the church. -More on this another time. God moved so
incredibly). I am due back in Nigeria in October.

So it is important to be aware that this first offering of the book
was printed in AFRICA. It is perfectly readable - but African
standards are not the same as the West. So you need to know
that this book looks like it was printed in Africa!! -It has quite a
unique "look" to it. So please regard any donation that you send
for this book as a donation towards our work in Africa. It is not a
donation for a perfect glossy product. You will be one of the first
people on the planet to own this book - but it has a "unique" look
to it. (We have only a certain number of these, so we need to
make a limit of one per person).


As always, we are making it available for *ANY* donation - or
even just the cost of postage (-which is only $2.65 to the USA).
We do not want anyone missing out just through lack of finances.
If you are able to send a "donation" that is great. But otherwise
just send the 'postage' amount. The best thing to do is simply
pray and send whatever God leads you to send.


First, please REPLY to this email so that we know that you
want this book.

Second, simply SEND YOUR DONATION to us.

-Probably the best way is to use PAYPAL to donate to us securely
online. Simply go to the following webpage to do that-

OR you can simply send a check or money order (or cash) to
the following address (-Yes, U.S checks are fine):

Andrew Strom,
PO Box 21-904,
West Auckland 0650,
New Zealand.

(-Please remember to include your ADDRESS.. Checks to be
simply made out to "Andrew Strom".. And we will get the book
off to you ASAP).

I look forward to your reply if you want this book, my friends.

God bless you all!

Andrew Strom.