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Posted by: root <root@...>


A pastor read a letter from an elementary school teacher who attends East
Hill Church. The gist of the letter was as follows:

Last school year her classroom was made up of little third graders of
which every one of them came from either a single parent family, a
dysfunctional family. Some of the were undernourished and/or not cared
for. Also there were some that lived in an abusive home in which they were
beaten, bruised, or raped by other family members. One little girl's dad
had died of aids, and the list goes on. Her heart bled for these
kids. Before the '99-2000 school year started, she and her husband went to
her classroom and prayed over each desk in the room. They prayed that God
would place an angel behind each and every child throughout the coming year
to watch over them and protect them. A month or so after the year had
started she gave the kids an assignment to write about what they would
like to be when they grew up. Everybody was busy with his or her
assignment, when 'Andrew' raised his hand. When she asked him what he
needed, he asked how to spell mighty.' After telling him how to spell
mighty, she asked him why he needed to know. Andrew said it was because when
he grew up he wanted to be a 'mighty man of God.' When he said this,
little 'Mark' sitting next to him asked, 'So, what's a mighty man of God'?
The teacher, swallowing back her tears, and knowing she could not say
anything in the classroom, told Andrew to go ahead and tell Mark what it
was. So Andrew says, 'It's a man who puts on the armor of God and is a
soldier for God.' After observing some conversation between Andrew and Mark,
the teacher, with a lump in her throat, started to walk away when Andrew
motioned with his little forefinger for her to come closer. He whispered to
her, asking if she believed in angels. She told him yes, she did. Then he
asked her if she thought people could see angels, and she said she
thought some people probably could. Andrew said that he did, and he could
see an angel standing behind each kid in the room. . . . . .

I don't think there was a dry eye in the church that night! We need to
remember to pray for all of the teachers, that although there is no
prayer in school, that they are dedicated enough to pray for the protection
of God's angels over the lives of their students. Maybe it wouldn't hurt,
even at work.

Author Unknown
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