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[ANN] FB 7.0.13 now available

Posted by: fblistserve <fblistserve@...>

20220425 FB 7.0.13; [you will need to reload the page if your browser cached a page mentioning a prior version ]

Lots of new additions, examples and bug fixes and three new build/run( translator )  behaviors to note: 

1. The translator no longer quits the previously running app if the next build/run is for a different app. The prior behavior terminated the running app before the next app was launched

2. Each single source or project file now has its own unique build_temp folder. This avoids the problem of multiple projects sharing the same build_temp ( like on the desktop ) when some of its contents are old.

3. New 'static' keyword simplifies static variable declaration compared to its inelegant predecessor. 

Like usual, please check out the Release notes for more details and a complete list of updates.

REQUEST: if you're reporting a bug, please start a new thread with an appropriate subject. Replies to this announcement post concealing a bug report could slow down our response and that's not good. Thank you!

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