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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

We felt it necessary to pass this note on to you even though we just sent another earlier today.  The need to "stand in the gap" is great.  While it is clear that "the spirit is willing", the flesh and the emotions under such circumstances still sometimes "are weak".
Bob and Jo Ann
From Jim and Deanna, Saturday morning in St. Louis:
Just a short, but needed update and request.                
Nicole had another "seizure" just before we left yesterday afternoon, where she stopped breathing and dropped her sats, etc.  We found out before we went to bed last night that they had returned her to c-pap.  This was calming in the sense that so far she hasn't had these episodes while on c-pap, therefore, we didn't have to worry about her doing it all night long.  However, it's disturbing because she can't come home on c-pap, so unless God resolves this issue in her (keep praying He does), then something else may have to be done, difficult decisions regardless.
Anyway, we are both very weak today.  Struggling greatly with emotions, depression, discouragement, etc.  We are still trusting, etc, but we are desperately tired of waiting, tired of being yanked back and forth from promising news to discouraging news, tired of .everything.  We don't want to go back to that hospital another day, but can't stay away either. 
We know that this is what countless number of parents have walked through before, and that we'll get through it - but today is very hard. 
+  So please lift us up often in prayer. 
+  Pray for something of encouragement for the day. 
+  Bind and stand together against the enemy and every ounce of work he has in this entire situation, including our emotions. 
+  Pray that God would not delay any longer in His plan for her.  Not that He hasn't already acted - He has in many ways; we just ask that He not delay in the BIG miracle, if that's His plan.
Jim and Deanna

Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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