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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


<>< Another Plane ><>

I have a friend who is a professional Gospel Singer. As Geriatric
Nursing Consultant for a large metropolitan hospital unit, I had
occasion to enlist my friend as a volunteer to sing for the
Geriatric patients in the hospital. During one of his visits, I
accompanied him as he went from room to room, singing and playing his

When we came to the room of a patient who was almost totally
unresponsive, my friend asked what he should do. I told him to sing
to the patient, something she might be familiar with. He chose to
sing THE OLD RUGGED CROSS. I sang along with him.
Suddenly, we were joined by another voice, softly whispering the
words along with us.

The patient who had not been responsive to most any type of stimuli,
was attempting to sing THE OLD RUGGED CROSS . My friend and I glanced
at each other across the bed, not believing what we were hearing. I
felt as though the three of us were being elevated to a higher plane
as we sang, lifted from pain and suffering, away from that hospital
room. We were together, apart from all others, floating on ANOTHER
PLANE, surrounded by God's Love.

We continued on our musical quest, shaken to think that we had
reached this patient on a level which no one else seemed to be able
to. The dear lady only lived a day or so after we sang with her. I
like to think we were able to help her.

In discussing the incident later, my friend and I discovered we had
had the same feelings and emotions of being removed, at least
spiritually, if not in body, from that hospital room. We must have
been doing what God intended for us at that time.

I know I look upon this experience as a blessing and do not remember
ever feeling such spiritual presence and great inner peace as I did
while floating on that "Other Plane".

Patricia Hall

<>< More Than Daily Bread ><>

How oft can I say I need help
How many tears can I shed
Is there a number that I could count
It is the counting that I dread
Then I remember of a time before
When on a Cross He bled
And comfort does come over my soul
When I recall the Words He said
This will only stay for the night
And I will see the Light for which I pled
Then knowing His Will to succeed
Out of sin my heart was led
What He does each day for my soul
Is much more than daily bread

<>< The Fact Is ><>

The fact is that
- most putts don't drop,
-  most beef is tough,
-  most children grow up to be just people,
-  most successful marriages require a high degree of
   mutual toleration,
-  most jobs are more often dull than otherwise.
Life is like an old time journey ... delays, side tracks,
smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only
occasionally by beautiful vistas, and thrilling bursts of
The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the


Have a Blessed Day

Dave and Barbara

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