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Another Prayer Request

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>


I have a prayer request. I will try and make this as concise as possible, but it will be confusing. My brother and his wife are parenting a young girl and her brother. They have had her for years. They each have a different father, and they have an older brother who we are unable to locate as he lives with his real father. Their mother was one of those woman who went from man to man. She must not have had too good of a daddy. Anyway, these children (especially the girl) have been through too much already in their little lives. THe little girl is 8 and the little boy is 5. Their mother committed suicide Sunday morning. Neither one really understands death. They were told she died in an accident. The boy does not even understand that she was his mother. She did leave a will leaving the children to my brother and his wife. The boys father is in contact with them and would probably allow them to adopt these children. The little girl did not like being around her mother, but she still knew who she was. She is upset. Please pray that God will heal her little heart. My brother is trying to get the body flown here and have it buried here for the children's sake. No one wants the body and they can't find any other family. Pray that we can find the other brother. They moved and left no forwarding info. I have searched the web looking for them. Also, pray that the courts do not step in and remove the children. My brother and his wife only have a guardianship of them. They were in the process of getting custody signed over by the mother and they are not sure if she signed yet or not. It is just a mess all the way around. My brother is not a Christian. Pray that God speaks to him through this as well. Thank you.

Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

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