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Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

Well ladies, I'm almost finished with my apples! I've peeled, cored, sliced and juices 4 bushels of apples since Wed. with the help of my good sons. After the juicing, I cooked the pulp and made applesauce with it. Canned most of that today. I got 9 quarts, 4-5 pints, 4 cups and about 22 half cups. I've got a crock pot full cooking down to apple butter now, so tomorrow I should be done.

Dh has drank so much of the apple juice that he's up sick tonight. Please pray for his belly ache. His stomach is terribly sensitive and I'm really surprised that it took this long to hit him. He's probably drank a half gallon since Wed. At first I was irritated at him for drinking too much, but he really can't help it. So, Sam and I have prayed for him and it is easing. I don't think there will be much trouble with constipation around here for awhile ;o)

Gonna run! I've enjoyed the posts about schooling philosophies lately. Keep them coming. I'll post mine later.

Dana (Mike's wife, Chris, Sam and Caleb's Mom)
"Let your home be your parish, your little brood your congregation, your living room a sanctuary, and your knee a sacred altar." Billy Graham