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APritchard's Bounces...

Posted by: t88 <t88@...>

The bounces from Andy Pritchard's email address are not the fault of the FB

I sent a message to him direct, and got the same message. His mail server
is sending an error back to the original sender each time they post, all on
its own.

So I think the best thing would be to unsubscribe him from the FB list
until he gets this resolved. I am surprised that the listserver hasn't
already unsubscribed him for bounces automatically.

The email address in question is

>Pritchard Andy <

Maybe IBM downsized him out of the company. They are letting go of another
batch of people in February, with notice of last week. Bummers.

Then again, maybe he just swapped internet providers. A while back the
error message would idicate that his mailbox was full.

So in closing, I digress with no credible conclusions whatsoever, due to
lack of data. Then again, it isn't my job :p Yet again, I digress. Bad
case of indigression.

Robert Covington

Re: all the below we have been getting.

> <>

>[002] Mail was received for unknown addresses.
>Message was not delivered to