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Are you a marigold or a petunia?

Posted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>

Christine (Tina) Berglund posted: "It has become a new fad to create and take quizzes that tell you what character you are in a favorite movie, or what kind of fruit or vegetable you are, based on your personal likes and dislikes, habits, and characteristics. I am not a flower of this tre"

New post on Forthright Magazine

Are you a marigold or a petunia?

It has become a new fad to create and take quizzes that tell you what character you are in a favorite movie, or what kind of fruit or vegetable you are, based on your personal likes and dislikes, habits, and characteristics.

I am not a flower of this trend. Did I just say “flower?” Well, I’m not follower of this trend, either. Maybe you aren’t either, but you may have been curious when the question was asked and you were invited to find out. Are you shy, like a violet? Are you mysterious, like a hellebore? Does your happy, innocent nature mean that you are a daisy? Read more of this post


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