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Are YOU prepared for Y2K? What others say...

Posted by: clean-hewmor <clean-hewmor@...>

I'm stockpiling toilet paper. This will be the most valuable
commodity. I expect Charmin Ultra to be the gold standard."

"I live on the third floor of an apartment complex in a Dallas
suburb. While I do have a shotgun for bird hunting and I am a
licensed Concealed Carry permit holder, firearms are not a part
of my readiness plan." Methinks he doth protest ...

"Living in Seattle as I do, a mere three blocks from Pike Place
Market, first on my list of preparations is a gas mask. Having
witnessed firsthand the brutal and random nature of police
action during a time of chaos, I'm loath to be at the mercy of
these folk again."

"I'm going to be in my church when the clock strikes 12 on Dec.
31. It has plenty of food, both for the body and soul. It's the
safest place to be." (Understand that this response was from a

"Dear John: Get it? Dear John? Never mind. I just wanted to say
that. Thanks!" Signed, "Nostradamus Jones."

"I am doing absolutely nothing about the Y2K preparation but
putting my faith in God. The problems I feel will occur will be
from the public, who have overexaggerated and at the same
time profited from all the Y2K hype."

"I have personally acquired one cow, one chicken and one
Y2K-ready pet Sony Robo-dog (Hal). He is proving to be a
real herder and has managed to, twice now, corral my cow
(Bessie) and my chicken (Bach) into a 10-foot makeshift pen.
With a 50-pound bag of rice and beans, I can make chicken and
beef burritos for the whole neighborhood for all of January."

"I've been watching 'Grizzly Adams' reruns and saving my
money to buy all those stocks that are going to plunge because
people foolishly jerk their money from them. I'll be writing my
next opinion on Y2K from a sunny beach in the south of

"Our main objective in Y2K preparations was to ensure that we
have our morning coffee. We bought a hand coffee grinder and a
non-electric coffee maker, a small butane stove, coffee beans,
and milk in sterile packages (like individual juice boxes) that
don't need refrigeration."

"I am going to hide out at my best friends' house, and at 12:00
midnight, I'm going to shut the power off from the fuse box to
freak them out."