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Posted by: root <root@...>

Are riches measured by the size of your house, or by those who live in
your home?
Are riches measured by the vehicle you drive, or by those whom it ferries
Are riches measured by how much money is in the bank, or by the love and
sweat of your brow that put it there?
Are riches measured by the clothes you and your family wear, or by the
love in the heart that is cover by those garments?

This afternoon, as I was contemplating our seemingly worsening financial
condition, I heard my two daughters, ages 7 and 5, singing, "Lord, You
are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold." It
made me stop and think about true riches. What does it profit a man, if
he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul? Or what would a man
give in exchange for his soul?

There is nothing I would give in exchange for hearing my children sing
praises to God from their hearts. Even though they are young, and my job
as a parent is far from complete, I am confident that He which has begun
a good work in their hearts will complete it.

No house, SUV, or lottery winnings can replace what I just witnessed in
my girls.

Wesley C Shier
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