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At Jan's yesterday

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

I spent most of yesterday at Jan's. It was a pretty rough day. Please continue to pray for her as she loses more of her abilities and experiences more pain. Also pray for her husband and sons. Her husband and oldest son kept blaming other things yesterday for what they are seeing. The son suggested strep throat as the reason for her burning throat. He said maybe the Ensure shakes we are giving her are causing her constipation issues. Both men were angry at hospice and want hospice to do things to "make her better" which is not hospice's role. Stan is angry that hospice treats her like she's dying when that's exactly what's going to happen soon if the Lord doesn't heal her. Everyone caring for Jan needs to face the truth so they can better meet her needs. Sure, the Lord can still heal her, but if He doesn't, NOW is the opportunity to tell her how much she is loved, to try to give her some comfort in whatever way we can. One daughter-in-law received more truthful info from the hospice RN yesterday and intended to talk to her hubby, Jan's youngest son, last night. She knows it's important that Jan's menfolk recognize that CANCER is causing her problems, not some trivial condition, not the pills, not the food. They also have to recognize that their opportunities to be in her presence, especially her awake presence, are decreasing every day. Otherwise, they are going to have many regrets after she's gone for not treasuring these last moments with her. 
Please pray that Jan's husband and sons will be able to release their denial and anger and shower her with love and comfort.
Lisa NM

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