Audio CD's
Quote from Forum Archives on December 14, 1997, 10:24 amPosted by: rbrown <rbrown@...>
My son just can't wake up in the morning. I think he's trained his
unconscious mind to tune out the sound of his alarm clock.But if only I could program his Mac to start up the strains of "Bad, Bad
Leroy Brown" from his Jim Croce CD at 6:30 AM, I'll bet that would get
his blood flowing. He'd have to leave his Mac on all night, but he
tends to do that anyway.It seems like this shouldn't be too hard to do, once you know the
secret. Does anyone here know how to fiddle with Audio CD's
programmatically?- Rick
Posted by: rbrown <rbrown@...>
unconscious mind to tune out the sound of his alarm clock.
But if only I could program his Mac to start up the strains of "Bad, Bad
Leroy Brown" from his Jim Croce CD at 6:30 AM, I'll bet that would get
his blood flowing. He'd have to leave his Mac on all night, but he
tends to do that anyway.
It seems like this shouldn't be too hard to do, once you know the
secret. Does anyone here know how to fiddle with Audio CD's
- Rick