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Posted by: sperling <sperling@...>


As I understand things, you people (MacTech and Macworld) are working on
the new awards for development tools and want feedback from those of us who
are in the trenches. If so, I got a product for you, namely FutureBASIC.

I don't want to get into a language war (I know that you people lean to the
C side of things), so to avoid that, let me say that all languages will
eventually do the job. I have programed Mac's in several different
languages, namely QuickBASIC, FutureBASIC, C, C++, and Pascal. Each has
it's own good and bad points. However, for a beginner, I have no hesitation
recommending FutureBASIC. It is a very strong and robust language and it is
an excellent teaching language. FutureBASIC has the speed, structure, and
style of C, while being much more readable and easier to debug, IMHO.

But, don't think that FutureBASIC is some sort of kids learning environment
that's limited to child's play. Because, it's not! It _is_ a full blown
development language capable of doing anything that C can do (and do it
easier IMHO). I have developed numerous commercial quality programs for the
Apple line of computers since 1977 and FutureBASIC is every bit as good as
any other language that I've ever used. In fact, it's my language of choice
and I'm no beginner (I wrote my first computer program in 1965).

In addition, there is lot's of free code available; and several books; and
a host of commercial "add on" software for FutureBASIC. Also, you will
_not_ find better support than from the makers of FutureBASIC, namely Staz
and company. They answer every question addressed to them and I don't see
anyone else doing that! In addition, there is a very active FutureBASIC
newsgroup. It is the best and most active programming community on the net,
hands down!

Another consideration: Almost every day I see postings on the net from new
programmers struggling with the complexities of C and C++. I see them
desperately trying to do really simple things, but are being met with
frustration and failure. Many new programmers are turning away from
programming altogether because they just don't get it. I, for one, don't
believe that's good for _our_ industry. I see these people as wasted
resources, much like the pre-apple days where main frames ruled and the
common people didn't get a voice in the computer world. Is that what you
want? I think not. I think that you, like me, want the computer world to be
open to all that have something to offer regardless of their ability to
understand C. As I see it, FutureBASIC provides an excellent alternative.

So, if you people really want to help your readers, a significant number of
which are want-to-be programmers, then you should seriously consider
FutureBASIC for one of your awards. It makes good sense.


BTW: I am in no way connected with STAZ Software and stand nothing to gain
by recommending their software. That should say something for the loyalty
of their customers.

|[ ]| mac programmer tedd f. sperling
|[__]| <>