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Awash in the Blood

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny

Beware: new style today. See below for more info.

by J. Randal Matheny

He hung from the cross, hated, despised,
but nails in his hands never could hold him.
The Father's will, both fair and perfect,
secured his body, cursed his soul,
and gave his life to gain a people.
Agony was his, and anguish wracked him;
he saw even then a sinner's need,
a criminal's pain and cry for help;
he gasped a prayer to forgive the crowd.
The shout of triumph, in the shade of death,
echoed heavenward, "It is finished!"
And he bowed his head and bid his spirit
fly. They saw him flag. A soldier
pierced his side--he'd perished already.
>From the wound at once flowed water and blood.

Awash in the blood, a witness wrote
who saw these things, and sees them still;
he testifies truly, no tale or fable,
but facts of the Skull fulfilling Scripture.
A dozen men, once dull and dumb,
upturned a world to tell the Story.



About "How Little of Life" (19 May):

Wonderful, my friend, but then, we have come to
expect no less! --Tim in Alabama

Thanks, Randal, I needed to hear your poetic words
of wisdom. --Patricia from Minnesota

I feel you could have written this one for "me"!
So much of it could/should be my words--how LITTLE
of life I understand, I stumble as a simple fool,
etc. And how I love the ending. Wow! Really
touched my soul as do a lot of your emails!
--Sandra in Greenwood SC
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Randal isn't rhyming today!

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