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Bad news

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

We tried to get supervised visitation only to find out-no way!!!!! And
he does have probation after this is all said and done. More counseling,
more of whatever they want. IF he gets house arrest he can get his
evaluation and start any counseling they say he needs then and only then
will there be a possibility of him being able move home when his jail
sentence is served. But. if he doesn't get house arrest, and remains in
jail on work release then he can't start treatment until he is released.
Then it is as long as it takes for it to all work out,,could be a year.
And to top it all off, on top of the fees they charge for work release
($10 per day) his wages have been garnished for the $1400 he still owes
on the probation that was revoked. Now I have the concern of how rent
will be paid. He will not make any money for anything other than these
fines and the bills- maybe. All depends on how much the garnishment is
for- could be up to 40% of his check. Then he couldn't pay rent.
Then no food or anything else.
It is like my husband is dead to me. Absolutely no contact, not by phone
or letter, they will do polygraph tests to make sure he abides by the
They are making a example out of him, to others who have committed the
same crime and are thinking about violating their probations, after all
not everyone truly turns their life around. But the children and I are
I am very discouraged. This is all very bad news. Please remember us.